Harvest Service

11th October 2018
On Thursday 11th October 2018 we went to church for our Harvest Service.
During the service Mrs Critchlow made a rainbow of fruit:
Red - red apple and strawberries
Orange - an orange, some clementines, a carrot
Yellow - a honeydew melon, bananas, lemons
Green - Granny Smith apples, kiwi fruit
Blue - blueberries
Indigo and violet (purple) - plums
Mrs Bishopp told us the story of God's Promise to the World - Noah and the Rainbow.
Reverend Ian told us about the Harvest collection for Self Help Africa and we gave him our gifts for the appeal - we raised £81.50. Thank you to everyone who donated.
During the service we sang 3 hymns:
Harvest Song
Paint Box and
Harvest Samba